Categorie: English

  • Space tourists

    A reusable spacecraft has its drawbacks, especially for the cleaner. In zero gravity lube, cum and squirt slides themselves into most imposible crevices and nook.



  • IKEA Avsuglöfte (English)


    Cardboard everywhere.
    Proudly you sit on the table.
    I unbutton your jeans, pouty lips.
    Expectantly you recline.
    The table collapses.
    Chuckling I blow you anyway.
    Other Eroshorts (25 word-stories):
    Lubricant (English)      Chicklit (English)     Locked In Syndream, a nightmare


  • HAPPY HOUR (English)


    ‘Freda, you dumb cunt, why?’ I howl at myself in the mirror.

    I’m not sure how long I’ve lingered in the powder room. A few minutes, half an hour, more? Slightly shaky I straighten the folds of my little black dress.

    Fuckin’ Friday-Afternoon-Happy-Hour. Fuckin’ work crowd, all fuckin’ over-aged bullies. This evening I slapped away all their groping hands. Because – I DON’T WANT IT!
    On top of all that Kevin spilled half a gallon of beer down my back. I turned around, scratched my nails over his face and ran of to the Ladies to hide.

    I could kill him. They all do it, but by far he’s the worst. I actively attempt to avoid wandering hands on my boobs or butt.

    Yess, I do  know Kevin calls me Frigida and laughs at me with his gang.
    Last week I set out to prove them wrong. Needing Dutch Courage I drank too much at the Friday Happy hour bash. Letting their hands travel over my breasts, buttocks, even under my skirt. I hated it, but wouldn’t let it show.

    Leonard, the sweet bartender shook his head when I swallowed yet another tequila shot.
    ‘Some Chinese wisdom?’ He handed me a fortune cookie out of the huge glass bowl on the counter.
    I cracked it open: ‘A Friday will bring you happiness.’

    Well yes, of course! The pub was about to close and drunkenly I was hanging on to a barstool feeling miserable. After that, everything went hazy.

    I woke up in an unknown bed. Sunbeams burst in through the curtains. Lazily I stretched out, still half-asleep. What happened after closing time started to unfold in slow-motion…

    In the doorway I spy a silhouette, an aureole of light surrounds him.
    ‘Is everything fine? Do you need anything?’
    His deep resonating voice vibrates straight through my armour. I start to sob.
    ‘No. Yes! Will you please hold me? Just one second? Please?’

    The door closes, shutting the light out. When he lays his body behind mine and wraps his arms around me, all impressions of groping hands disappear.
    I let myself sink into oblivion, shift closer to him and bring his hand to my face kissing his fingertips. They bear the scent of a sea-breeze.
    He kisses my neck. I moan. His hand cups my right breast, the nipple hardens longingly between his fingers. He sighs, his mouth caresses my shoulder with more kisses, moving down to my left breast, tummy and lower. Turning on my back I surrender. His lips suck on the skin around my throbbing pearl. I melt.

    When his tongue touches my piercing, he halts. My breath stops.

    Growling he takes the piercing between his teeth and shakes his head. I whimper and breath out. Rhythmical he continues, sucking on my vulva, shaking the piercing between his teeth and fluttering his tongue against my pearl. Panting I raise my pelvis, tighten all my muscles and scream as I hit the height of an earth-shattering orgasm.

    He doesn’t stop as his fingers slide around and between my love-lips. I push my yearning vulva against his magic hands. In response two cunning fingers knowingly enter me. A wave washes over my body, taking me out of myself. His hands and mouth let me balance on the edge of myself.

    ‘Take me, come inside me, now!’

    After a second, an eternity I welcome his heavenly cock and float away over the edge.
    From above I look down at us – I’m coming and keep coming, yet I can’t see his face…

     I didn’t see his face! Wide awake I sat straight up. Head spinning.

    Did I end up with someone from Kevin’s gang? Or Kevin himself? Filled with fear and shame I slipped into my dress, sneaking out of the hallway, my high-heels in hand.

    The smell of bacon-and-eggs made me nauseous. Gagging, I stumbled down the stairs onto the street and without looking back stepped into a cab.

    At home I flushed away my hangover with a shower. Soaping myself I noticed, my piercing was gone!
    It can’t be, my barbell. Is it in Kevin’s bed, in his hands?

    This last week, I went into the office quiet as a mouse. Every-time Kevin or one of his mates came by, I startled, afraid they would comment. But nothing had changed. Exactly the same lousy remarks and wandering hands I always had to avoid.
    However, did nothing change? I was feeling a growing lust for wandering hands.

    And now I still am in the ladies, feeling dismayed. Trying to find the courage to go into the bar again. Then Leonard comes in. He looks at me with his kind and inquisitive eyes, handing me a stupid fortune cookie.

    ‘They are gone, I kicked them out. Please take it, its home-made.’

    Something in his eyes makes me take the cookie.
    ‘SNAP!’ As it opens a glistening trinket falls onto my palm.
    My barbell!

    Tears run down my face. Leonard wraps his arms around my body and licks the salty drops from my cheeks. I turn away as his hand slides along my spine, up to my neck. Fingers run through my hair, grabbing it and pulling my head back to face him.

    For the first time I am looking straight into his eyes.

    Our lips meet.


    I submitted this story to:


    This is a translation of my story in Dutch with the same title.
    Thank you May More for editing, You are a gem!

    If you’d like to read another of my stories, click HERE

  • Lubricant (English)


    My husband signed the contract and left the hotel suite.
    Meanwhile I re-applied lipstick and lubricant, luckily.
    Ouch! His business partner is so well hung…


    Other EroShorts:
    Locked In Syndream, a nightmare
    Chicklit (English)
    Not a dream (English)

  • Chicklit (English)


    Guileless I entered our bedroom when Sarah Waters hit my head, pages glued.

    “Three times in a row, you pervert. Wank on your own books!”

  • Not a dream (English)

    tasting lips

    She woke up alone, tasted her lips.
    Right, he came and left.

    (just another 12 word story)


    Some 25 word stories (Eroshorts):
    Chicklit (English)       Locked In Syndream, a nightmare

  • Locked In Syndream, a nightmare


    Rhythmical beeps.
    A  hand milks my shaft.
    Familiar lips around my knob give silent salvation.
    Her voice, choked: “It’s over…”
    Shrill beep, dying.

    In June I wrote 30 'Eroshorts', stories in 25 words. 
    This is the translation of nr.26. Thank you May More!

    Some other Ultrashort Stories:

    Chicklit (English)     Not a dream (English)

  • Floating (English)

    Weightless, timeless, she glides gracefully in the outdoor pool.  Not just floating in the water, she is the water. Tiny snowflakes whirl onto her bare skin. A freezing breeze swoops down, touches her nipples and ripples over her belly, thighs and toes. She waits…

    The stool at the end of the bar leans against the wall. Amber is sitting up straight on it, knees squeezed together. Only dressed in a see-through baby-doll and panties she tries to hide her exposed breasts behind crossed arms. Eyes fixed at her feet, afraid to be caught by the prying eyes of men in boxer shorts, briefs or completely nude who are prancing around to the hard trance-beat. Impatiently, she’s tapping the tips of her pink pumps together.

    “Well?” Pete plonks her G&T down on the bar.
    “You look hot in your nighty but those crotchless panties are so rank. Come on hon, drop your arms, show off your salacious boobies, they are yummy and lick-able.”

    Amber looks up at him and unfolds one arm to take her drink. She gulps half of the G&T and looks down at her toes again.

    “Pete I think… Well, it was your New Year’s intention to visit this club and, to be honest, I went along with the idea. However… I’d be much happier if we went home now.”
    He finishes his pint and slams it on the bar:
    “Hon, we’ve just arrived. There are handsome guys and dolls all around. Over there, on the couch, that blonde bombshell next to muscle-man! Wow, she makes my mouth water. Besides, it’s a waste of good money if we don’t hang out for a while longer.”

    Amber takes a look at the muscle-men, a very good looking guy in black briefs. Then she shakes her head, puts the glass to her lips and empties it.

    “Pete, you promised we would leave straight away if I didn’t like it. I don’t like it. Let’s go.”
    She slides of the stool. With a growl Pete catches her mid-air and lifts her back onto the seat.

    “Hon, we’ll stay for at least ten more minutes. Feast your eyes. I ‘ll go around and take a look at how we can enjoy our stay here. See you in ten.”
    He pats her on the thigh and wanders off.
    Amber glances at the half naked women who shamelessly presents themselves as Pete passes. She sighs as she closes her eyes.

    “Good evening, how can such a beautiful woman be sitting here on her own?”

    She opens her eyes. Muscle-man is standing next to her. With one finger he sweeps a chestnut tress behind her ear, his touch tingles on to her neck, down her spine.

    “Oh, I’m not… Sorry, what … You think I’m beautiful?” She raises one eyebrow. Pete calls her hot or rank but never, ever beautiful any more.

    “You bet. I don’t mind these skinny girls, but you are thrilling, a voluptuous real woman.”

    Amber’s skin feels electric  as his hand touches her hip. All of a sudden a kaleidoscope of butterflies flutters in her tummy. She glances at his hand and notices his bulging briefs. Abashed she looks up, straight into his eyes. As his hand circles down towards her buttock she can sense the chemistry between them. She closes her eyes and inhales through pursed lips.
    His thumb and finger takes her chin.
    “May I offer you something? A drink?” His other hand has moved to her belly, she stretches her back.
    “A massage? “His fingers twirl downwards, she relaxes her clenched knees, slightly spreading them.
    “Or may I lick your intimate area’s for hours and hours until you are quivering with desire?”
    One finger slides down over the silk fabric of her crotchless panties, slips into the opening and slides between her labia. She can’t breath any more. An instant later the same finger is on her lips,  she feels her own wetness.
    “Hush, no rush. Maybe I’ll see you in the pool, later?”
    His finger caresses her cheek before he leaves. Breathing again she slumps down and pinches her eyes shut.

    After only fifteen minutes Pete returns with his hand on the butt of the blonde in her almost non-existing bikini. He whispers in her ear, she winks and walks away wiggling her hips. Pete stares at her ass before he goes to Amber.
    “Hey? Are you asleep? The sauna is great here, let’s go for a round before we leave.
    He takes her hand, she thinks of the pool, nods and slides of the stool.

    After a few minutes in the sauna Amber has had enough. Except for the blonde in her minikini there are only men. Naked men, touching themselves and staring at her with horny eyes. It makes her feel itchy.
    “It’s too hot for my taste, I’m off,” she tells Pete before she wraps the towel around her.

    At ease she closes the door, then hurries to the pool. He isn’t there! Disappointed she looks through the windows at the snow-covered garden. Water is splashing up in the air. The pool continues outside! Her towel drops on the tiles, she steps into the warm water and swims through the plastic slats. It is freezing, the chilly air is titillating. Muscle-man swims leisurely to and fro. Smiling, with wide open eyes, she watches him. In spite of the cold her cheeks are glowing

    When he notices her he submerges, goes two times around her before slowly diving up in front of her. Warm drops hit her face when he shakes his head.
    “Hello gorgeous’.”
    All she can do is smile at him. He smiles back:
    “If you’d look under water you could see what strange effect you have on me.”

    She can’t help herself, her hand is moving towards his six-pack. Her fingers touches the tip of his phallus and then she folds them around his glorious erection. He groans, takes her wrist and pushes her hand away.
    “Not yet, gorgeous. You are too tense. Come, relax, lay on your back. Let me support you, just feel the water flowing around your body.”
    Amber feels overwhelmed and whispers “O.K.”

    Slowly she drops backwards. His hand between her shoulders and arm under her knees are barely touching her. She closes her eyes and becomes the water. Her breathing slows down, her body is growing languid and all sense of time and space floats away.

    She doesn’t have a clue how long she has drifted for but slowly she becomes aware of a hand on her skin. And another hand and yet another. So many hands are caressing her. For a moment she startles and tries to count them. Hands touching her feet and legs, her hands, arms and shoulders, her back, sides, buttocks and belly. Fingers fondling her cheeks, her hair and neck. She opens her eyes, sees the faces of five, six men. She inhales, smiles joyfully and surrenders. As she closes her eyes again the hands start to feast on her breasts, rolling her nipples between the fingers, tenderly pinching and pulling them. She spreads her legs in delight. Immediately, hands start rubbing the inside of her thighs, higher and higher up. Fingers slide down from her belly alongside her clit, stroking. Fingers slide over her lips and in between. Knowing fingers cunningly arousing her sweetest spots. An elongated moan filled with delight escapes her mouth, the sound of it ringing out over the pool.

    “Hey! Hands of, leave her alone! That’s my wife.”
    The hands disappear, Amber swiftly sinks.
    Stuttering she dives up.
    “Move , we leave now.” Pete grabs her hand and drags her out of the pool.

    nude-woman-many-hands-on-her-body-orange (3)

    She smiles when she remembers this first time. Pete was in-shock when he touched his blonde bombshell and found out She was a He! Wanting to leave immediately but being unable to find Amber he became even more agitated. When he finally found her, serving all those men, he got frantic and swore never to come back to ‘such a foul whorehouse’ again. So he didn’t.
    He is unaware his New-Year’s intention became hers.

    She doesn’t have to wait long. The first hands are tenderly touching her body, stroking, fondling, an appetizer for what is to come.
    Today she will taste another piece of heaven.


    Thank you May More for editing my story.
    If you would like to read more of May click HERE

    To read another of my stories, click HERE


  • Birdcage (6 words)

    Your ensnared body frees your mind.


    Other Ultrashort Stories:
    Chicklit (English       Locked In Syndream, a nightmare       Not a dream (English)

  • Mood Ring (English)




    I’m glad my husband’s BMW6series has darkened windows in the back. I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell, hurry to the backseat and gaze at your front door. Finally it opens. You take two steps look around and shrug. I can’t breathe. I see how resilient you walk, your youthful appearance and the intensity in your eyes. My face starts glowing and I feel shivers covering my body and  wavelets running through my abdomen. My sensual pearl tingles. Involuntarily, I tilt my pelvis and spread my knees, but as soon as I realize it my body cramps. Softly  I whisper “Never …  sometime will never be”. Tears run down my heated face. You spot the Christmas present hanging from your doorknob, look around again and tear away the paper. When you open my wedding-ring box and take out the ‘mood-ring’ it is grey. You fall apart, aging 20 years in one second. You too can’t hold back your tears. Less than ten feet apart we mourn in solitude of what never has been.



    Actually I didn’t want to join the reunion of the Seaside High school. I had nothing in common with those people I didn’t speak to or saw in the past 25 years. Besides, I had loads of work to do as solicitor. Two inheritance cases, a nasty divorce and a complex property transfer. Not to mention my voluntary work for the Presbyterian community at the immigrants care. However, my assistant called off the divorce-meeting, so I had a couple of hours to spare. Sighing I checked my make-up and drove to the diner. Everybody was already there, talking about the old days and boasting how well they did.

    A soft touch, your hand on my shoulder.

    “Eve, would you care to dance with me?”

    “Rudolf? What are you doing here? Surely you didn’t attend the ‘Seesight’?

    “As a matter of fact I did, I had classes in the old building while you…”

    Unbelievable, you looked the same! More masculine, intense, but as youthful and sparkling as 25 years ago. The love of my youth, my ballroom dancing partner. I blushed spontaneously. So often I abused the electric toothbrush with you in mind! You asked what I wanted to drink and in a few moments we leaned on a table and talked about our work (you are a music director), our marriage (both in a rippling wedlock), well, just about everything. I felt the warmth of your presence, your attention invading my body. Delightful.

    And then you said: ”To be honest Eve, the reason why I came was my silent wish to see you. As a boy I was too shy to tell, but, I was deeply in love with you. To dance a rumba with you was the highlight of the week, Rudolf-fine”.

    I could hardly swallow and looked down. I whispered: “Rudolf-fine … I also was deeply in love with you.” I looked up, right into your eyes. I was lost, the earth dropped beneath my feet, everything twirled around me. You picked me up and carried me to a bench outside.

    Gently you laid me down and held out a glass of water, letting me drink sip by sip. I was the shy, seventeen year old girl again and so in love.

    “How are you feeling?”

    “Well, fine, I just didn’t have lunch, too busy.”

    “Please, take good care of yourself,” you said smiling.

    “Let’s have lunch together next Friday, I’ll pick you up at your office say, 1 P.M.?”

    “No, maybe, well, yes,” I mumbled.

    You bent over me and we kissed, our lips barely touched but I was nothing but lips, my lips on yours.

    “I’m sorry, I’ll have to go, there’s an orchestra waiting for me.”

    You walked away, almost danced, made one-and-a–half turn, rushed back, put something in my hand and closed my fingers around it.

    “A little something for you, it was gathering dust in my cupboard for the last twenty-five years or so,” and you danced away…

    In my hand a mood-ring decorated with dolphins. Slowly it turned green.


    The next week I was out of sorts. I was cooking and the food burned. Stupid mistakes at the office (I’m glad my assistant is very capable) and my husband wondered where I was with my head. On and on I lingered at the image of your resilient pace, your exciting body and your piercing eyes.

    The Philippinian woman I spoke with to improve her English instantly knew:

    “You love, I see It.”

    ”You are in love, I can see,” I repeated automatic.

    “Not me, you!” she laughed.

    I kept your ring on a chain under my clothes. Pink when I was desperate, yellow when I was restless, green of love when I dwelled in the past and purple of passion when I thought of next Friday.

    One o’clock I stepped out my office into a cold drizzle.  You swiftly walked around your car and opened the door. Barely I managed not to faint again. “Good afternoon my lady!” I sat down as elegantly as possible. You started the car and caressed my neck, cuddled my curls at the back of my head, pulled my face towards yours and kissed me.

    My knees weakened purple passion came over me. It rolled from my toes to my head and nestled in my pelvis. I opened my lips…

    We didn’t have lunch. We took a trip down memory lane, drove along the familiar spots of our youth. The old high school, our parental homes, the ballroom-dancehall and finally to the place of our lonesome adolescent consolation, the natural bench-like rocks at the coast where we, not knowing of each other, stared out over the restless sea. We walked hand in hand. It was December the 20th, cold and wet but still, leaning backwards on the bench, I opened my coat and unbuttoned my blouse. As you kissed me, your hands slipped under my bra and you carefully cupped my breasts, swiftly more eager. Your exploring tongue cherished my nipples; teased them with your teeth. My lust turned deep-purple. Your hands slipped under my blouse; dwelled over my naked skin. You kneaded my waist, my buttocks, my belly. Each squeeze sparkled over my skin, through my throbbing pearl into my burning cunt where electricity accumulated. You forced your leg between mine, the touch of your thigh against my high-tension cavern unleashed a vast bolt of lightning which struck deep in me and made me come… and again. I couldn’t stop shaking.

    In a hoarse voice you said: “Let’s go to my place.”

    I nodded speechless and within ten minutes we sat on your bed. Lovingly you started to undress me but I couldn’t let you, we are both married.

    I can’t!



    I snatched my clothes and fled down the stairs. Wavering, I walked home, the cold wind howled through my open coat, through my body. At home I crawled in bed, whimpering. For five days I stayed there, exhausted.
    This morning I finally got up, wrapped your ring in Christmas paper and drove to your house.

    You turn around and slowly stumble inside.

    The rearview mirror shows my face with carefully applied make-up, run-down mascara and behind my eyes the white frozen desert within.



    Another story you can find HERE